Montag, 12. August 2013

Anime, Inspiration & Sport


Do you have ever seen an anime, series or movie and you thought - that's it!? That there was a quote or truth in the characters behaviour and talking and you really get its deeper meaning?
I like these truths.
Such anime as Naruto - I somehow enjoy the battling and even the annoying voice of Naruto himself -  and whenever he tries to protect his friends and every innocent people.
It's heart-warming.
You can apply this meaning in your daily life: 
One always should try to help other people and see only the good in everyone.
Smile - and most people will smile in return.
Believe in your dreams!
Naruto is one of the worst students ever (expect his immense chakra - power by the nine- tailed -  fox) but he doesn't doubt for even a moment that he will become Hogake anyway.
And at last but not least: Give your best! 
If you don't even try do give your best, you'll never achieve your dreams or get as good in something as you could really be.
And of course it's more fun to try hard - in the end your results are fantastic. 
However goals aren't usually achieved in an instant.
You need patient, even if your hate to be calm. Everyone needs a break here and there.

What are  your experiences with "true meanings"? Have you ever had a depressive moment but suddenly there was something you could hold on?

For myself, it often helps me when I listen to music. Or I look at some nice pictures and dream. ("Inside my head my life is so much more interesting")
And if I go for a walk.

At the moment I haven't had much physical exercise so I am quickly annoyed.
So I started a list which sorts of sport I'll do in the next 2 weeks.

*go jogging [7x]
*play tennis [at least 4h]
* walk big tours with my dog [9x]
*do yoga [3h]
* do some exercises for my neck and back
* meet at least 4 times with friends ^-^

I'm somewhat like a couch potato and hermit. I love being alone but not lonely.
However the more sport I do the more relaxed and balanced I feel.
That kind of a true for me. Sport and fresh air make me feel alive. That's one reason why I sometimes research for nice jogging motivation pics. For getting inspired and having something to do with my body and mind.

I hope I haven't spammed you too much ;)

Soon I'll post my bucket list eventually!

xx Blacky

PS: Have a nice day!

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